HANDLE® Level 1 and 2 Combined
Are you looking for a different way of approaching learning with your child, yourself or the people you work with? Have you experienced frustration, difficulty or a lack of progress with the things you've tried so far?
Come and get a HANDLE on how to enable more ease, less stress and anxiety, and more enjoyment in your own life and those around you.
This course empowers you to understand the root causes of challenges and differences, forever changing your strategies to help support learning and enhance potential.
Learn about the neurodevelopmental systems that are the building blocks behind everything that we do (including senses like touch, vision, body-in-space - and the connections between them) and discover how deepening your understanding of them will change lives.
Experience and practice 11 different HANDLE Activities for your toolbag, to help with focus and attention, calming, connection, communication, engagement and a whole host of other benefits. You’ll explore how to vary the Activities for different people and situations, and see videos of HANDLE in action.
Explore how stress affects learning and quality of life. Discover the 10 subtle signs of stress that are often overlooked, and how to respond in a way that will avoid overwhelm and bring about lasting changes in ourselves and the people we want to help.
Dive into the ground-breaking foundations of the HANDLE approach, and how to apply them in your life and work. Discover insights about the brain and nervous system and key aspects of our internal and external environments that affect our abilities and quality of life.
Level 1 and 2 Combined courses begin with a 3 hour evening session followed by two full days. The weekend is taught by Sean Williams, Europe's only Level 4 HANDLE Instructor and HANDLE Practitioner since 2001.
After the course you also gain access to Sean’s regular, free follow up webinars exclusively for course participants, to develop and explore ideas and Activities in more depth and keep connected.
Next Level 1 and 2 Course: See our course calendar here
“Thank you, I certainly understand myself and my children better! Very inspiring on many levels.”
“Fascinating content- quite life changing! Non-judgemental, highly respectful absolutely different way of looking at practically everything… Thank you Sean for your brilliant work- and in such a relaxed and friendly environment.”
“This is a refreshing approach that goes to the core of our humanity and its complexity in an accessible way, without drugging or shutting down or judging the children. Thank you for a very comprehensive course.”
“Thank you for this course. I feel like I can understand my daughter and her challenges better and was given tools to try and help her”
“This course is a revelation at multiple levels. It has fostered a deeper understanding of the under-lying structure of problems faced by our son. It was delivered in such a relaxed mode, making it easy to understand and relate to despite actually being pretty technical. I am glad we made the decision to take this course. I believe it has already changed my outlook, attitude and understanding of what I am dealing with and I am looking forward to actually doing the HANDLE program with my son.”
“Really fascinating, holistic/systemic approach, really appealing and makes so much sense.”
“The best thing about this course was the wonderful convergence of people, knowledge, experience, passion and intention. I felt as though this course was triggering dormant understanding of myself that I had allowed to fade. I feel a buzz of possibility. THANK YOU!”
“I recommend HANDLE to parents and professionals working with children. With the help of this course I learned that I can get a different outlook. Easily the best training that I have ever attended.”
For a more in depth written Review of the course see our guest blog by a parent participant here, and read about how an Occupational Therapist has been able to powerfully integrate her learning from the course into her work in her testimonial here.
“…I learnt that the way I perceive the world is just so different to the way my daughter perceives the world, so that’s really brought to light why we have so many conflicts doing her homework together. And now through doing these games and playful activities I can help her, I can eliminate conflict, I can help her to study better and to have peace and calm and lots of laughter at home. So I would recommend anyone and everyone to come as soon as possible and do the HANDLE Course….”
“…I’ve learnt techniques, very simple things I can do in class that might help (the students) to calm down or might help them to integrate the different side of the brain, might help them to get a bit more energised if they need to. And one of the surprising things for me, is how actually these exercises on myself have allowed myself to move from a more stressed state to a much calmer state- which I was needing to do- which will enhance my work as a teacher…“
“…I originally came to the course to support my work… and it’s definitely going to be helpful for that but I also realise how helpful it’s going to be for my children- my boys, my grandmother who is elderly and losing her memory, and also myself. I often struggle to find words and remember things and organise my life. I think everyone should do this course whether you’re a parent, teacher, carer… a human being basically!…”
“…It’s been fantastic, a really good mix of practical activities and lots of theory firmly based in neuroscience…”
This course is recommended by and to: parents, teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, paediatricians, osteopaths, support workers, carers, physiotherapists, mental health workers, social workers, play facilitators, foster parents, educators, developmental therapists and anyone who wants to learn about enhancing potential.
Next level: HANDLE Level 3 Screener Course