This course is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the practice and theory of the HANDLE approach, giving you a professional certification to help people with their learning.
The ten month course begins with three separate five day modules of residential training and is followed by six months of distance learning. You will be taught to use the HANDLE Screening Tool with people age five and over who want to address difficulties with academic learning, socialising, behaviour or attention. Building on your learning from HANDLE Levels 1 and 2, you will further your knowledge of the processes of learning, both in yourself and others, become able to identify underlying neurodevelopmental issues that affect how we function, and learn to share this understanding with other people. You will learn to devise and teach individualised programmes of HANDLE Activities and make recommendations designed to help people achieve their goals with more ease and enjoyment.
The HANDLE Screening is a brief practical evaluation to discover neurodevelopmental obstacles that interfere with learning for people aged 5 and upwards with mild difficulties. It is ideal for evaluating individuals or a group in a short period of time.
Completion of all course requirements enables you to be Certified as a HANDLE Screener by The HANDLE Institute® and use the HANDLE Screening Tool and Activities professionally.
“I have found this course to be a life changing experience for me- in terms of the start of an exciting new career path and also in terms of my own self-awareness. I wanted to soak up every minute of it- the course has been so rich in information... Amazing team, very lucky!!! Thank you.”
Residential training:
Module i- 20th – 25th November 2015
Module ii- 15th-20th January 2016
Module iii- 18th – 23rd March 2016
Home study: until 23rd September 2016
Instructor: Sean Williams, Europe's only Level 4 HANDLE Instructor, Assistant Regional Education Director for The HANDLE Institute® and HANDLE Practitioner since 2001.
Course fees: £3100
Accommodation and lunches provided
Open to those who have completed HANDLE Level 1 and 2 courses. Entry is by approval of application, are allocated on a first come first served basis and are limited to 9.
You can view and download the Course Description and Application Form here. For an editable version of the Application Form download the Word file here. Please ensure you read the Course Description before applying.
The application deadline has now passed but there may be limited places or waiting list places still available- please contact us if you are still interested in applying.