Is there something in your life you’d like to find easier?
Would you like to learn more about how you are functioning?
Issues with things like organisation, memory, anxiety, stress, multi-tasking, reading, writing, sports, coordination, hypersensitivities, sleep, relationships or socialising can all have neurodevelopmental causes.
The HANDLE® Screening is designed to identify some of these possible causes through a short series of activities and questions. The Screener then presents their findings and devises an individualised programme of HANDLE Activities to help address issues and promote wellbeing.
8 professionals from the UK and Europe are currently training in Brighton to become certified HANDLE Screeners. As part of their training we are offering free HANDLE Screenings under the guidance of a fully certified supervisor, in the city centre between Saturday 19th March and Tuesday 22nd March. The process lasts about 3.5 hours including a break of over an hour after the initial Screening.
“It was very thorough and tuned into me/my son. Also done in a kind and gentle way. I’d recommend it because it helps to analyse which areas need support. It opened my eyes to many of my son’s needs but also his strengths.”
You do not need to commit to following the programme you are given, though of course you are very welcome to, and follow-on services with certified Screeners are available if you wish. You also don’t need prior knowledge of HANDLE before you come along, but if you’d like to find out more you can explore this website, and direct any questions to / 01273 558 545. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
If you'd rather have a low-cost Screening by a Certified HANDLE Screener see our special low cost promotion here.