The days are shorter, the schools are closing and the year is ending. It feels really poignant and joyous to me that it is at the darkest point of the year that we choose to celebrate each other and the light which though now is in short supply, we can trust will soon return.
Anat Baniel has a chapter in her book Kids Beyond Limits about enthusiasm. She suggests that celebrating and experiencing joy for every learning step a child makes will support and cement their learning process. This doesn't mean praising or rewarding, it's more about cultivating an internal feeling of genuine appreciation and delight. Taking the time to notice and wonder at the small changes can make a world of difference.
All learning is miraculous and every step can be celebrated. There is always more we can do and achieve, things we can and will do better, but for now we pause and delight in exactly where we are in this moment.
We wish you all very happy holidays and good celebrating. If you have a story or celebration you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you.
With love,
Una, Sean and Sarah